Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What do you think of this? (riddle)?

Yearning for something forbidden, as my body flustered in angst but yet thirsting, forcing the inner soul to escape in dishonor, eyes bursting vines as it weep for the site of scarlet, I breathe heavy quivering as my teeth pierced my bottom lip as the blood fell in satisfaction. Eyes closed whispering gospel words in the darkness, sinful body aching as the heavens begging for it to stop. Once the skin has broken there is no way ending this, my head fell in sorrow as I feel the shameful tears rain upon the blood I have set loose.

What have thy done?

What do you think of this? (riddle)?
Reply:cut yourself??
Reply:Lost your virginity? I don't really get it, sounds more like a poem than a riddle!!!
Reply:You cheated on your spouse haven't you?
Reply:First time love making ( for a virgin )

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